Tuesday, September 24, 2002


I was over at Sean and Julie’s the other day, and Jules was reading the Sunday funnies. She read a few to Sean, and I just sat there, seething.

I dislike it when someone reads the funnies to someone else, but I know that it’s one of my evil pet peeves. Ya’ see, I find myself doing that as well, so I have no leg to stand on when I criticize another...

I also sing along to the radio, fail to announce who I am on the telephone, eat with my mouth open. All of these things drive me batty when others do them, and I’m just a big ol’ hypocrite!

So, in the interests of bugging everyone (or anyone who actually reads this blog...) I’m gonna transcribe my favorite comic strip here.

This is a Zippy strip, from October 17, 1996. Written by Bill Griffith, found in the Rocky Mountain News of the same date. All rights reserved, and I hope y’all don’t think that I’m plagiarizing:

Dear diary,

So I met French philosopher & mathematician René Descartes in study hall today and he’s all, “Logical analysis is the only way to interpret reality!”

And I’m all, “No way, René! What about intuition ‘n’ stuff? I mean, hello, does the phrase ‘Emotional Intelligence’ mean anything to you?”

And he’s all, “You gotta, like, suspend all interpretations of experience that are not absolutely certain, dude!” & I was all, like, "Duhhhhh!!”

Then he was all, “That’s all I have to say” and I was all, “Is that all there is?” And he’s all, “That’s all!” & it was, like, all over.

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